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Game Camera Permission Form

Effective January 1, 2024, there are a few changes to existing NH RSA 207: General Provisions as to Fish and Game, which gives private landowners more control over the placement of game cameras (NH RSA 207:63) and tree stands/blinds (NH RSA 207:36-a) on their property.

A summary of the changes follows. For full text of the law visit

  • The placement of game cameras requires written or verbal permission from the landowner.
  • Permission expires on December 31 of each year unless permission is revoked or extended.
  • Game cameras must be labeled with the name on contact information of the owner in a way that is visible when the camera is mounted.
  • Game cameras do not require permission on state-owned or state managed lands or municipally owned property.

SELT game camera requirements

  • Cameras must be clearly labeled with the owner’s name and contact information
  • Cameras straps or cables may not be bolted or otherwise secured in a way that damages trees
  • Cameras may not be pointed at public trails, parking areas, or other locations the public routinely uses
  • Cameras that transmit live photos and video to a device such as a smartphone or computer are not approved for use on SELT lands
  • The person seeking permission agrees they will not share or distribute the location of photos that capture threatened/endangered animals and plants

Tree stands

  • Portable or temporary tree stands and blinds can be in place between April 25 to June 1 and August 1 to December 31 (these do not require  written permission).
  • All tree stands and blinds must be removed by June 1, unless otherwise permitted by the landowner.
  • Any stands or blinds that damage trees are prohibited.
  • Tree stands and blinds must be clearly labeled with the owners name and contact information.

If you would like to place a game camera on land that SELT owns please fill out the form below. All fields with a red asterisk are mandatory. A member of our Stewardship team will be in touch. Thank you!

NOTE: SELT can not give permission to place game cameras on privately owned land that SELT holds a conservation easement on. Please reach out to those landowners directly.

Game Camera Permission Form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your Name
Your Address
Property where you would like to place the game camera(s)

Game Camera Location

Please enter either the coordinates or a map showing exactly where the game camera will be placed.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.