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Stonehouse Forest Timber Harvest Scheduled for this Winter Begins January 6

In early 2022, SELT finalized a management plan for Stonehouse Forest written by natural resource professionals and approved by SELT’s conservation partners, including NH Fish and Game. Guided by this plan, we have begun to implement some of the recommended management activities, including timber harvests to improve overall forest health.

SELT is now beginning a timber harvest on approximately 150 acres of Stonehouse Forest. Weather permitting, this will occur between approximately January 6th, 2025 and early March 2025. Please see map below for the harvest area.

The harvest operation will be conducted near portions of the Bog trail and Marison trail, which will remain open at this time, and along Marsh Road. Please stay on-trail (visitors and pets) near the harvest area shown on the map below, exercise caution, and do not approach machinery.

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