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“Forvermore!” – A Halloween Tidbit

Once upon a mid-day cleary, as I backpacked, weak and weary
Over many a scenic and rustic ridge of nature’s splendor–
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a flapping,
As of something gently rapping, rapping like a gentle blender.
“‘Tis some bird,” I noted, “flapping, waking me from my snore–
Only this and nothing more.”

Still, I marvelled this pleasant fowl, to see it fly so content, with joy,
Knowing ‘twas a simple sight–and no complex truth it bore;
But I cannot help perceiving the beauty of these trails I dwell,
Ever yet my heart surges, by seeing the bird so freely soar–
‘Tis because of SELTies, a simple truth — these precious lands that I adore–
Saved and shared — “Forevermore!”

Happy Halloween from your pals at SELT!