Brentwood Contributes to Conserve Game Farm

Thank you to Brentwood voters!  At their March Town Meeting, they overwhelmingly voted 137-17 to contribute $140,000 in funding for the purchase of a conservation easement on 35-acres commonly known as the “Game Farm.”  This is one of many steps to ultimately result in the land being permanently conserved and perhaps more importantly – owned by established local farmer Josh Jennings of Meadow’s Mirth Farm – a win-win for the community and region. 

As many people know, the property was owned for decades by the State of New Hampshire Fish and Game Department who operated it as a “game farm” to raise pheasants and conduct research. Before accepting other offers, the State offered to sell the land to the Town of Brentwood, but the Town declined due to the accelerated timeframe of the sale. Upon hearing the land would be sold, SELT and the Brentwood Conservation Commission began working together in 2019 to ensure this property did not get developed.

Fortunately, farmer Jennings and a few other community members sprang into action and bought the land in February 2020.  Since then, Jennings agreed to sell a conservation easement to SELT for $375,000, significantly less than fair market value of the easement. SELT hopes to raise most of necessary funding through outside grants and will be applying this spring for a U.S. Agricultural Conservation Easement Program grant.  In the meantime, support Meadow’s Mirth Farm and other farms by buying local through the Three River Farmers Alliance.  Stay tuned for more!

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