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Hosted by White Pine Programs – Guided Naturalist Walk

Piscassic Greenway

Join White Pine Programs Educator & Naturalist Ryan Busby for an exploration of Piscassic Greenway as he shares techniques for awakening your senses to the living landscape.  Wildlife tracking, bird language, pattern recognition and natural movement are just some of the topics that could come up on the walk.  When we begin to see the […]

Stonehouse Forest Perimeter Hike – Earth Day (WAITLIST ONLY)

Stonehouse Forest

Celebrate Earth Day with GOAT Extraordinaire, Sue Mayotte, for a hefty hike around SELT’s Stonehouse Forest. Enjoy the scenery and explore one of SELT’s largest properties. The hike will be on trails and is about 7 miles long with lots of hills – so be sure to come prepared with plenty of snacks and water […]

Kids’ Walk: Who lives in and Around the Pond?

The Nan and George Mathey Center for People and Nature at Burley Farms 247 North River Road, Epping, NH, United States

Join Nature-Based Educator and SELT Volunteer, Kim Cote for this after school event. Head on down to the wetlands at Burley Farms to explore and discover the various species who live in and around the pond at this time of year. The walk is ideal for children of all ages and their adults. Difficulty: Easy […]

Bird Walk at Mast Road Natural Area

Mast Road Natural Area

Birders everywhere look forward to spring when migratory birds head north to their breeding grounds in droves, bringing a beautiful diversity of species through our very own backyard! Join birding enthusiasts Roger Stephenson and Kylee Noga as they venture out in the wee hours of the morning to see who’s passing through.  The best way […]

Hosted by White Pine Programs – Guided Naturalist Walk

Join White Pine Programs Educator & Naturalist Ryan Busby for an exploration of Stonehouse Pond as he shares techniques for awakening your senses to the living landscape.  Wildlife tracking, bird language, pattern recognition and natural movement are just some of the topics that could come up on the walk.  When we begin to see the […]

Hike the Barrington Trail – National Trails Day Hike (WAITLIST ONLY)

Barrington Trail

Join John Wallace for a hike on the Barrington Trail for National Trails Day. Walk along the beautiful and serene Isinglass River and view old mill sites. If the group is game, we will head over to the Turtle Brook Preserve and check out the heron rookery as well. The hike offers great views of […]

Clyde Farm Tour

Clyde Farm

Take a tour of Clyde Farm in Farmington with Jeremy Lougee, SELT’s Land Conservation Manager and Farmland Project Coordinator, co-hosted by farmers Kristen Klenow and Jimi Tutor! Learn more about the conservation process and get a glimpse into the farmers’ experience with finding, leasing, and ultimately purchasing land, as well as the regenerative farming practices […]

SELT’s Virtual Conservation Celebration & Annual Meeting


Join us on Zoom and raise your glass as we celebrate our 2020 conservation successes! We will nominate and elect Board Members and Officers, recognize our retiring Board Members, share highlights of 2020, and award our partners in conservation and stewardship. The meeting will be on Zoom Webinar and feature short videos and slideshows. We […]

Hosted by White Pine Programs – Guided Naturalist Walk

The Nan and George Mathey Center for People and Nature at Burley Farms 247 North River Road, Epping, NH, United States

*RESCHEDULED TO JUNE 26TH* Join White Pine Programs Educator & Naturalist Ryan Busby to explore Burley Farms as he shares techniques for awakening your senses to the living landscape.  Wildlife tracking, bird language, pattern recognition and natural movement are just some of the topics that could come up on the walk.  When we begin to […]

Kid’s Walk: Who lives in and around the Pond?

Tucker & French Family Forest

  Join Nature-Based Educator and SELT Volunteer, Kim Cote for this summertime event. Head on down to the pond at Tucker & French Family Forest to explore and discover the various species who live in and around the pond at this time of year. The walk is ideal for children of all ages and their […]