Merrymeeting Clean, Forever

Agreements reached to conserve more than 1,000 acres

SELT has reached agreements to acquire two more ridges overlooking Merrymeeting Lake, one of the state’s cleanest lakes. The two properties represent keystone parcels in a larger vision of connecting protected parcels around the entire lake – securing the permanent conservation of the forested ridges and helping sustain the high water quality of the lake.

The tracts include 376-acres on the flanks and top of Mount Bet. This property abuts SELT’s Collins Family Forest at Mount Molly; together the properties would total more than 800 acres with a network of public trails on the north shore of Merrymeeting. At the east end of the lake, SELT has the opportunity to acquire ownership of 617-acres and a conservation easement of 27 acres on Mount Jesse. These lands abut the 2,600 acre Birch Ridge Community Forest and offer the opportunity to link to a block of conserved forestland of 5,400 acres centered on the Moose Mountains.

Both Mount Jesse and Mount Bet offer all of the benefits of conservation – including scenic views of the lake as well as the Presidential range, varied wildlife habitat important for common and rare species, and recreational benefits including trails for hiking and biking, and portions of Corridor 22, an important state snowmobile trail.

Oak trees in fall on Mount Jesse in New Durham, New Hampshire. Birch Ridge and Merrymeeting Lake.

Since 2018, remarkable progress has been made in this community-driven conservation effort. Back then, just 4% of the watershed was conserved; today 35% is forever protected thanks to the partnership of SELT, the Merrymeeting Lake Association, and Moose Mountains Regional Greenways.

This significant progress began with SELT’s purchase of the Birch Ridge Community Forest in 2018, its expansion in 2021, and the gifting of the Collins Family Forest at Mount Molly to SELT in late 2020. If Mount Bet and Mount Jesse are successfully acquired, the protected acreage of the watershed would increase to 49%. The acquisition of both mountains would be an incredible success story for the community given the humble beginnings just six years ago. Like prior efforts, Merrymeeting Clean Forever will only be successful through a combination of public and private commitments, including both of the landowners who have agreed to sell their properties for significantly below the fair market value.

Over the course of the next two years, SELT will engage with those who care deeply about Merrymeeting, exploring further land acquisition and recreation priorities and opportunities around the watershed, seeking advice and candid feedback about what is most important, and building awareness and support for the protection and stewardship of Mount Bet, Mount Jesse, and more.

Stay tuned for more exciting news on these emerging opportunities!

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